What to Expect:
What’s Happening:

Pink Cow Thrift Store
The Pink Cow is a thrift store open to the public and located here on the Wesley UMC campus.
Donations are welcome and accepted. Please bring them to the Pink Cow during open hours or drop them off in the church office during office hours. Please do not drop them off outside the Pink Cow or the office.
Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 9 am to 2 pm and the first Saturday of the month from 9 am to 12:30 pm.
For questions, call 559-224-1947.

Food Ministries
Wesley Food Pantry
Our volunteers serve 75-85 clients per week with food bags containing food and fresh produce every Thursday morning at 9:00 am. We help people in need through our network of partner agencies including the Central California Food Bank and El Dorado Park CDC. Together, they are truly “The Hands and Feet of Jesus.”
Our weekly community dinner called BaseCamp is serving dinners from 5pm to 6pm every Thursday. Come to the Fireside Room at Wesley (mid-campus,) to break bread with the community. Or pick up one meal, or enough meals for the whole family.

Children’s Ministries
Lego Sunday School for Kids!
“Building Faith Brick by Brick,” for kids from preschool to 4th grade. This is more than childcare; it’s a blast! Infant and toddler care is also available. Located next to worship in the Childcare Building with the mural. Questions? Contact an usher during worship, or see Pastor Vickie after church. Lovingly taught by Teachers Lizbeth, Janet & Susanna.
Baptism by the water and the Spirit is an integral part of who we are in the United Methodist Church, and that’s why we baptize our babies and everyone else for that matter, who’s willing. Our tradition teaches that baptism initiates people into the faith community and into a covenant relationship with God and God’s people. Speak to Pastor Vickie for more details!
Worship Helpers
Children are always learning new things, and how wonderful for that to take place in worship! They need to feel the love and support of their family and the congregation. At Wesley, we welcome children and youth as valued and full participants in worship, just as Jesus did. We are understanding and tolerant of any limitations or special needs of young bodies and minds, and we celebrate those moments in congregational worship where they learn to take an active role.

Weddings & Memorials
We know that marriage is a sacred covenant, allowing us to mirror the very fundamental impulse of God’s self, whether it’s love between a man and a man, a woman and a woman, or a man and a woman. But we also know that we need the blessing of God, to really make it work. That’s where the church comes in! See Pastor Vickie for details.
When your loved one dies, we are here to help. We offer a beautiful service of worship and grateful remembrance in our sanctuary or at the graveside, tailored to the needs of your family. We will come together in grief, acknowledging our human loss. Celebrating the life of the deceased should be a sacred moment, as we gather to praise God and to witness to our faith. Please contact Pastor Vickie for more information.

Wesley is a church that recognizes the inherent worth and many gifts of the LGBTQ+ community, and thus every year our LGBTQ+ and straight ally members and friends take part in Fresno’s Rainbow Pride Parade and Festival in June. As followers of Jesus Christ, standing in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community is an expression of our call to love one another as God so loves us. Join us!

Small Groups
From hiking to meditation, Bible study to book study, Wesley has it all. Enjoy singing? Join the choir! Motivated to be involved in the community? Participate in our ecumenical work with the Central Valley Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF). Got a knack for thrift store sales or sorting? Volunteer at the Pink Cow. Plus, you can help in worship in many ways. The Tech Team needs you! There’s always a way to serve at Wesley.
Ways to Engage:
What’s Next?
Membership Crash Course
Are you worried you’re not good enough, holy enough, or sanctified enough to belong to a Church? You’re not the only one. It’s a common mistake. There are plenty of times when we need to get our lives in order before we can deepen our God connection. But showing up is the first step. Please see Pastor Vickie for details about the next scheduled class.
The Wesley Connection Newsletter is published weekly online and once a month in print. It’s your one stop shop for information about what’s going on at the Wesley United Methodist Church!
Coffee with the Pastor
Want to know more about Wesley, share your faith journey, or just talk over a cup of coffee? Catch Pastor Vickie after worship, or call the church office to arrange a time to meet.
How to connect:
There are many ways to connect with Wesley! Call the church office, email us, or stop by during our office hours: Tuesdays – Thursdays, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, or by appointment days and evenings.